Sunday, March 28, 2010

importance of blogging blog :)

With the interconnectedness of today’s society, blogging seems like almost a routine practice. The social sites we have available to us are such great networking tools. Individuals can connect with people from all over and have a simple way to maintain relationships. Blogging is a great way to get one’s opinion out there for others to see and comment on, expand knowledge, and help get business contacts. The attached link is to a blog that was started by the head of a company. It discusses how the very blog itself is replacing PDF attachments. Things like blogs have the opportunity to reach such a larger audience so the impact can be much greater. People who are interested will read it and then forward it on to people they know and so on and the blogger could have a big following in a short amount of time. Also, a blog can be used a point of reference. When going through an experience, such as house renovations for example (since people can write blogs about anything), a record of what happened and issues that came across or helpful hints could be included in a blog and really help the next person going through that. Blogs are easily accessible and allow for comments which both can assist in gaining and maintaining a large following.